30 Best Figma Design Systems & UI Kits 2024 Edition

figma design systems

So with that said, I'm gonna go ahead and drag in this button here snapped to the left, and it's eight pixels from the right and it is centered vertically on the y axis here. And what I'm going to want to do is I'm holding option command and shrinking this so that it's set to has a padding of 16 dips on the left and right of this other sub header which is reflective in in our examples up above, as you can see here. So now that all those specs are good to go, you could double check the spacing and whatnot if you needed to and ensure the constraints are set properly.

Figma Material Design 2 UI Kit

So basically, we're going to be going over creating this from scratch and developing them into type textiles in figma that are easily reasonable crasher design system and the one we'll be building. And the nice thing about it is you can view now if you go to material design, you can view all your colors here. As you can see, when you click somewhere random on the canvas, the blank canvas, you'll see the color styles here. Okay going to do on a couple more, so you get the idea of how to name your color styles.

Make designs feel real

So for example, the list items we created in the last video, I can go ahead, maybe I want to add into this component, right, I just need to ensure the proper spacing is specified. So I got to set the constraints left and right, so now when I stretch this, it will stretch properly, the divider that is, so now we have our front layer expanded, and you can kind of see the elevation being utilized here. So you can drag that into your canvas and figma publish it to your material design system library, which is exactly what I did. And now that we have this, we have all the proper color styles as this puts us ahead I'm just going to detach this style. And if you grab this exercise file, you will have to enable the material design system library once more.

The right code for your design system

So that's what we need, it'll save you a lot of time as as the designer, it's a very helpful feature. And if I select horizontal, I'm actually only able to specify modifying the heights. Whereas if I set this horizontally, I would be changing the I would be resizing this horizontally, I mean vertically, sorry for the confusion there. And one thing I can do is hold down Option V and H which will center this horizontally and vertically. And I can go ahead and paste this to my canvas, and click on each type and just screenshot all these and for all of you Mac users out there. And also we're going to be talking about, we got the different variants.

figma design systems

Best Figma Design Systems & UI Kits (2024 Edition)

And it's a great starting point meant to be modified to meet the specific needs of a product. So this temporary region only appears temporarily and does not affect the responsive grid. And then we have persistent UI regions that can be displayed upon a command such as a hamburger menu where a menu slides in when you press it, and they can remain visible, or they can be toggled on or off to appear disappear. And essentially, UI regions are a layout, which is made of several UI regions such as side navigation that is fixed. And also you can customize margins, margins can be adjusted to create more or less space between content. And this allows you to better adapt to the screen and the margin width can change at different breakpoints.


And there's some some padding set to 16 on the left and right of this element. And we'll go ahead and build out a what is labeled a simple dialog here in this interactive demo, where we have list items here. And we have that in our design system as a color style not only as a color style, but scrim that we can pull from our system.

With the groundwork in place, you’re ready to start shaping your design system. One of the most important early steps is to define a set of guiding principles. These serve as a north star for your system, keeping everyone aligned as the system grows and evolves.

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They also commonly include icons, logos, illustrations, and your accessibility and brand guidelines. When naming your variables and styles, it’s important to use clear and consistent conventions. Design system contributor, Nathan Curtis, suggests combining a base (like color or size) with modifiers (like variant or state) to create names that are easy to understand and use. The goal is to create a shared convention that everyone on your team can use to communicate and work more efficiently.

figma design systems

What is a design system, and how do you create one?

So as you can see, here, it snaps to the left and right edges of these two columns. And then the margins, which are on the very far left and far right of the screen laid out in green here. And it consists of columns, as you can see here, and gutters which are which are the which is the spacing between columns. And a container height is determined by the height of the image in the container with these flexible ratio principles, and you can use a flexible ratio to allow content form determine the height of the container, which is very common. But they can be flexible and grow to support the size of the content that it holds.

I'm going to make that a main component and next up we can create the mobile alert dialog I just attached my instance, label this alert dialog. And I could apply my constraints 30 set properly and we are good to go. And what we can do is this will resize because we have the constraints set properly. So it's essentially in, you could think of it as being in its own row, where the content being the buttons within this bottom row here, almost like the footer of this dialog utilizes two buttons, and the height set to 52. And in turn making that padding 21 dips from the top there with the baseline set to 40.

And I was missing one icon it was the share icon which falls under the actions category. The only thing missing are the proper icons, which you can go ahead and add yourself. And I'm just going to focus on the alignment here, make sure that padding to the right set to 16. And you'll notice that there's also this little top portion what this is referencing is the system UI bar and We won't need to design for that that is solely a placeholder in this screenshot. I've detached this instance My apologies I attached it from the main component.

So what I can do is, is remove that auto layout and readjust that height. So I can't just manually adjust the height with auto layout implemented. And it will be dynamic, but one thing to note is that this can auto layout can get tricky, because you can't individually specify the the spacing. And then we'll add that to this as well, and remove the, the one pixel padding added and re realign these elements, which is annoying.

The 10 Best Figma Features All Designers Should Be Using - MUO - MakeUseOf

The 10 Best Figma Features All Designers Should Be Using.

Posted: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Layout grids, spacing, and sizing (referred to collectively as “spatial systems”) are like the invisible glue that holds your design together. They create a sense of structure, consistency, and visual harmony that makes your product feel polished and professional. Learn how Stash builds financial products that customers can trust by using Figma components and Ditto to ship out copy updates—speeding up their work by 20% and saving over 12,000 hours. Collaborate together on reusable assets to create a design system that enables consistency and innovation across teams and products. Figma enables design system adoption for more consistency and efficiency. The team at designsystems.com is always looking for interesting content.

And once that's set to 512, we're going to set the fill color to surfaces surface. So our mobile calendar adders done, we're going to wrap it in a frame, it's going to be called mobile slash calendar view. So if I ever wanted to actually swap this component with a selected one, due to our naming conventions, we can go ahead and do that very, very quickly in our instance, drop down menu.


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